Export bookmarks


This notebook and script are designed to export the bookmarks of a scenario, for example for inclusion in a report. The meat of the script uses the ability of the API to iterate on the bookmarks of a Reven scenario:

for bookmark in self._server.bookmarks.all():
# do something with the bookmark.id, bookmark.transition and bookmark.description

See the Document class and in particular its add_bookmarks function for details.

How to use

Bookmark can be exported from this notebook or from the command line. The script can also be imported as a package for use from your own script or notebook.

From the notebook

  1. Upload the export_bookmarks.ipynb file in Jupyter.
  2. Fill out the parameters cell of this notebook according to your scenario and desired output.
  3. Run the full notebook.

From the command line

  1. Make sure that you are in an environment that can run Reven scripts.
  2. Run python export_bookmarks.py --help to get a tour of available arguments.
  3. Run python export_bookmarks.py --host <your_host> --port <your_port> [<other_option>] with your arguments of choice.

Imported in your own script or notebook

  1. Make sure that you are in an environment that can run Reven scripts.
  2. Make sure that export_bookmarks.py is in the same directory as your script or notebook.
  3. Add import export_bookmarks to your script or notebook. You can access the various functions and classes exposed by export_bookmarks.py from the export_bookmarks namespace.
  4. Refer to the Argument parsing cell for an example of use in a script, and to the Parameters cell and below for an example of use in a notebook (you just need to preprend export_bookmarks in front of the functions and classes from the script).

Customizing the notebook/script

To add a new format or change the output, you may want to:

  • Modify the various enumeration types that control the output to add your new format or option.
  • Modify the Formatter class to account for your new format.
  • Modify the Document class to account for your new output control option.

Known limitations


Supported versions

Reven 2.8+

Supported perimeter

Any Reven scenario.




# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---
# jupyter:
#   jupytext:
#     formats: ipynb,py:percent
#     text_representation:
#       extension: .py
#       format_name: percent
#   kernelspec:
#     display_name: reven
#     language: python
#     name: reven-python3
# ---

# %% [markdown]
# # Export bookmarks
# ## Purpose
# This notebook and script are designed to export the bookmarks of a scenario, for example for inclusion in a report.
# The meat of the script uses the ability of the API to iterate on the bookmarks of a Reven scenario:
# ```py
# for bookmark in self._server.bookmarks.all():
#     # do something with the bookmark.id, bookmark.transition and bookmark.description
# ```
# See the [Document](#Document) class and in particular its `add_bookmarks` function for details.
# ## How to use
# Bookmark can be exported from this notebook or from the command line.
# The script can also be imported as a package for use from your own script or notebook.
# ### From the notebook
# 1. Upload the `export_bookmarks.ipynb` file in Jupyter.
# 2. Fill out the [parameters](#Parameters) cell of this notebook according to your scenario and desired output.
# 3. Run the full notebook.
# ### From the command line
# 1. Make sure that you are in an environment that can run Reven scripts.
# 2. Run `python export_bookmarks.py --help` to get a tour of available arguments.
# 3. Run `python export_bookmarks.py --host <your_host> --port <your_port> [<other_option>]` with your arguments of
#    choice.
# ### Imported in your own script or notebook
# 1. Make sure that you are in an environment that can run Reven scripts.
# 2. Make sure that `export_bookmarks.py` is in the same directory as your script or notebook.
# 3. Add `import export_bookmarks` to your script or notebook. You can access the various functions and classes
#    exposed by `export_bookmarks.py` from the `export_bookmarks` namespace.
# 4. Refer to the [Argument parsing](#Argument-parsing) cell for an example of use in a script, and to the
#    [Parameters](#Parameters) cell and below for an example of use in a notebook (you just need to preprend
#    `export_bookmarks` in front of the functions and classes from the script).
# ## Customizing the notebook/script
# To add a new format or change the output, you may want to:
# - Modify the various [enumeration types](#Output-option-types) that control the output to add your new format or
#   option.
# - Modify the [Formatter](#Formatter) class to account for your new format.
# - Modify the [Document](#Document) class to account for your new output control option.
# ## Known limitations
# N/A.
# ## Supported versions
# Reven 2.8+
# ## Supported perimeter
# Any Reven scenario.
# ## Dependencies
# None.

# %% [markdown]
# ### Package imports

# %%
import argparse  # for argument parsing
import datetime  # Date generation
import sys  # printing to stderr
from enum import Enum
from html import escape as html_escape
from typing import Iterable, Optional

import reven2  # type: ignore

    # Jupyter rendering
    from IPython.display import display, HTML, Markdown  # type: ignore
except ImportError:

# %% [markdown]
# ### Utility functions

# %%
# Detect if we are currently running a Jupyter notebook.
# This is used to display rendered results inline in Jupyter when we are executing in the context of a Jupyter
# notebook, or to display raw results on the standard output when we are executing in the context of a script.
def in_notebook():
        from IPython import get_ipython  # type: ignore

        if get_ipython() is None or ("IPKernelApp" not in get_ipython().config):
            return False
    except ImportError:
        return False
    return True

# %% [markdown]
# ### Output option types
# The enum types below are used to control the output of the script.
# Modify these enums to add more options if you want to add e.g. new output formats.

# %%
class HeaderOption(Enum):
    NoHeader = 0
    Simple = 1

class OutputFormat(Enum):
    Raw = 0
    Markdown = 1
    Html = 2

class SortOrder(Enum):
    Transition = 0
    Creation = 1

# %% [markdown]
# ### Formatter
# This is the rendering boilerplate.
# Modify this if you e.g. need to add new output formats.

# %%
class Formatter:
    def __init__(
        format: OutputFormat,
        self._format = format

    def header(self, title: str) -> str:
        if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
            return f"<h1>{title}</h1>"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
            return f"# {title}\n\n"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
            return f"{title}\n\n"
        raise NotImplementedError(f"'header' with {self._format}")

    def paragraph(self, paragraph: str) -> str:
        if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
            return f"<p>{paragraph}</p>"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
            return f"\n\n{paragraph}\n\n"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
            return f"\n{paragraph}\n"
        raise NotImplementedError(f"'paragraph' with {self._format}")

    def horizontal_ruler(self) -> str:
        if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
            return "<hr/>"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
            return "\n---\n"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
            return "\n---\n"
        raise NotImplementedError(f"'horizontal_ruler' with {self._format}")

    def transition(self, transition: reven2.trace.Transition) -> str:
        if transition.instruction is not None:
            tr_desc = str(transition.instruction)
            tr_desc = str(transition.exception)
        if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
            if in_notebook():
                tr_id = f"{transition.format_as_html()}"
                tr_id = f"#{transition.id} "
            return f"{tr_id} <code>{tr_desc}</code>"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
            return f"`#{transition.id}` `{tr_desc}`"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
            return f"#{transition.id}\t{tr_desc}"
        raise NotImplementedError(f"'transition' with {self._format}")

    def newline(self) -> str:
        if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
            return "<br/>"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
            return "  \n"  # EOL spaces to have a newline in markdown
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
            return "\n"
        raise NotImplementedError(f"'newline' with {self._format}")

    def paragraph_begin(self) -> str:
        if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
            return "<p>"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
            return "\n\n"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
            return "\n"
        raise NotImplementedError(f"'paragraph_begin' with {self._format}")

    def paragraph_end(self) -> str:
        if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
            return "</p>"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
            return "\n\n"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
            return "\n"
        raise NotImplementedError(f"'paragraph_end' with {self._format}")

    def important(self, important: str) -> str:
        if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
            return f"<strong>{important}</strong>"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
            return f"**{important}**"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
            return f"{important} <- HERE"
        raise NotImplementedError(f"'important' with {self._format}")

    def warning(self, warning: str) -> str:
        if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
            return f'<div class="alert alert-warning"><strong>Warning:</strong> {warning}</div>'
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
            return f"**Warning: {warning}**"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
            return f"WARNING: {warning}"
        raise NotImplementedError(f"'warning' with {self._format}")

    def code(self, code: str) -> str:
        if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
            return f"<code>{code}</code>"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
            return f"`{code}`"
        elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
            return f"{code}"
        raise NotImplementedError(f"'code' with {self._format}")

    def render_error(self, text):
        if text == "":
        if in_notebook():
            if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
            elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
            elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
                raise NotImplementedError(f"inline error rendering with {self._format}")
            print(text, file=sys.stderr)

    def render(self, text, output):
        if text == "":
        if output is None:
            if in_notebook():
                if self._format == OutputFormat.Html:
                elif self._format == OutputFormat.Markdown:
                elif self._format == OutputFormat.Raw:
                    raise NotImplementedError(f"inline rendering with {self._format}")
                with open(output, "w") as f:
            except OSError as ose:
                raise ValueError(f"Could not open file {output}: {ose}")

# %% [markdown]
# ### Document
# This is the main logic of the script.

# %%
class Document:
    def __init__(
        server: reven2.RevenServer,
        sort: SortOrder,
        context: Optional[int],
        header: HeaderOption,
        format: OutputFormat,
        output: Optional[str],
        escape_description: bool,
        self._text = ""
        self._warning = ""
        self._server = server
        if context is None:
            self._context = 0
            self._context = context
        self._header_opt = header
        self._escape_description = escape_description
        self._output = output
        self._sort = sort
        self._formatter = Formatter(format)

    def add_bookmarks(self):
        if self._sort == SortOrder.Creation:
            for bookmark in sorted(self._server.bookmarks.all(), key=lambda bookmark: bookmark.id):
            for bookmark in sorted(self._server.bookmarks.all(), key=lambda bookmark: bookmark.transition):

    def add_bookmark(self, bookmark: reven2.bookmark.Bookmark):
        self._text += self._formatter.paragraph_begin()
        if bookmark.transition.id < self._context:
            first_transition = self._server.trace.first_transition
            first_transition = bookmark.transition - self._context
            transition for transition in self._server.trace.transitions(first_transition, bookmark.transition)
        # Catch possible transitions that would out of the trace due to the value of context
        if bookmark.transition != self._server.trace.last_transition:
            if bookmark.transition.id + self._context > self._server.trace.last_transition.id:
                last_transition = self._server.trace.last_transition
                last_transition = bookmark.transition + 1 + self._context
                transition for transition in self._server.trace.transitions(bookmark.transition + 1, last_transition)
        self._text += self._formatter.paragraph_end()
        self._text += self._formatter.horizontal_ruler()

    def add_header(self):
        if self._header_opt == HeaderOption.NoHeader:
        elif self._header_opt == HeaderOption.Simple:
            scenario_name = self._server.scenario_name
            self._text += self._formatter.header(f"Bookmarks for scenario {scenario_name}")
            date = datetime.datetime.now()
            self._text += self._formatter.paragraph(f"Generated on {str(date)}")
            self._text += self._formatter.horizontal_ruler()

    def add_transitions(self, transitions: Iterable[reven2.trace.Transition]):
        for transition in transitions:
            self._text += self._formatter.transition(transition)
            self._text += self._formatter.newline()

    def add_bookmark_transition(self, transition: reven2.trace.Transition):
        tr_format = self._formatter.transition(transition)
        alone = self._context == 0
        self._text += self._formatter.important(tr_format) if not alone else tr_format
        self._text += self._formatter.newline()

    def add_bookmark_header(self, bookmark: reven2.bookmark.Bookmark):
        if self._escape_description:
            bookmark_description = html_escape(bookmark.description)
            bookmark_description = bookmark.description
        self._text += f"{bookmark_description}"
        self._text += self._formatter.newline()

    def add_location(self, transition: reven2.trace.Transition):
        ossi = transition.context_before().ossi
            if ossi and ossi.location():
                location = self._formatter.code(html_escape(str(ossi.location())))
                self._text += self._formatter.paragraph(f"Location: {location}")
        except RuntimeError:

    def add_warnings(self):
        ossi = self._server.trace.first_context.ossi
            if ossi and ossi.location():
        except RuntimeError:
            self._warning += self._formatter.warning("OSSI not replayed, locations not available in bookmarks.")

    def render(self):
        self._formatter.render(self._text, self._output)

# %% [markdown]
# ### Main function
# This function is called with parameters from the [Parameters](#Parameters) cell in the notebook context,
# or with parameters from the command line in the script context.

# %%
def export_bookmarks(
    server: reven2.RevenServer,
    sort: SortOrder,
    context: Optional[int],
    header: HeaderOption,
    format: OutputFormat,
    escape_description: bool,
    suppress_warnings: bool,
    output: Optional[str],
    document = Document(
    if not suppress_warnings:

# %% [markdown]
# ### Argument parsing
# Argument parsing function for use in the script context.

# %%
def get_sort(sort: str) -> SortOrder:
    if sort.lower() == "transition":
        return SortOrder.Transition
    if sort.lower() in ["creation", "id"]:
        return SortOrder.Creation
    raise ValueError(f"'order' value should be 'transition' or 'creation'. Received '{sort}'.")

def get_header(header: str) -> HeaderOption:
    if header.lower() == "no":
        return HeaderOption.NoHeader
    elif header.lower() == "simple":
        return HeaderOption.Simple
    raise ValueError(f"'header' value should be 'no' or 'simple'. Received '{header}'.")

def get_format(format: str) -> OutputFormat:
    if format.lower() == "html":
        return OutputFormat.Html
    elif format.lower() == "md" or format.lower() == "markdown":
        return OutputFormat.Markdown
    elif format.lower() == "raw" or format.lower() == "text":
        return OutputFormat.Raw
    raise ValueError("'format' value should be one of 'html', 'md' or 'raw'. Received '{format}'.")

def script_main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Export the bookmarks of a scenario to a report.")
        help='Reven host, as a string (default: "localhost")',
        help="Reven port, as an int (default: 13370)",
        help="Print CONTEXT lines of surrounding context around the bookmark's instruction",
        choices=["no", "simple"],
        help="Whether to preprend the output with a header or not (default: no)",
        choices=["html", "md", "raw"],
        help="The output format (default: html).",
        choices=["transition", "creation"],
        help="The sort order of bookmarks in the report (default: transition).",
        help="If present, don't escape the HTML in the bookmark descriptions.",
        help="If present, don't print warnings to the standard error output.",
        help="The target file of the report. If absent, the report will be printed on the standard output.",

    args = parser.parse_args()

        server = reven2.RevenServer(args.host, args.port)
    except RuntimeError:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Could not connect to the server on {args.host}:{args.port}.")

    sort = get_sort(args.order)
    header = get_header(args.header)
    format = get_format(args.format)

        escape_description=(not args.no_escape_description),

# %% [markdown]
# ## Parameters
# These parameters have to be filled out to use in the notebook context.

# %%
# Server connection
host = "localhost"
port = 37103

# Output target
# If set to a path, writes the report file there
output_file = None  # display report inline in the Jupyter Notebook
# output_file = "report.html"  # export report to a file named "report.html" in the current directory

# Output control
# Sort order of bookmarks
order = SortOrder.Transition  # Bookmarks will be displayed in increasing transition number.
# order = SortOrder.Creation  # Bookmarks will be displayed in their order of creation.

# Number of transitions to display around the transition of each bookmark
context = 0  # Only display the bookmark transition
# context = 3  # Displays 3 lines above and 3 lines below the bookmark transition

# Whether to prepend a header at the top of the report
header = HeaderOption.Simple  # Display a simple header with the scenario name and generation date
# header = HeaderOption.NoHeader  # Don't display any header

# The format of the report.
# When the output target is set to a file, this specifies the format of that file.
# When the output target is `None` (report rendered inline), the difference between HTML and Markdown
# mostly influences how the description of the bookmarks is interpreted.
format = OutputFormat.Html  # Bookmark description and output file rendered as HTML
# format = export_bookmarks.OutputFormat.Markdown  # Bookmark description and output file rendered as Markdown
# format = export_bookmarks.OutputFormat.Raw  # Everything rendered as raw text

# Whether to escape HTML in the description of bookmarks.
escape_description = False  # HTML will not be escaped in description
# escape_description = True   # HTML will be escaped in description

# Whether or not to suppress the warnings that can be displayed (e.g. in case of missing OSSI)
suppress_warnings = False  # Display warnings at the top of the report
# suppress_warnings = True  # Don't display warnings at the top of the report

# %% [markdown]
# ### Execution cell
# This cell executes according to the [parameters](#Parameters) when in notebook context, or according to the
# [parsed arguments](#Argument-parsing) when in script context.
# When in notebook context, if the `output` parameter is `None`, then the report will be displayed in the last cell of
# the notebook.

# %%
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if in_notebook():
            server = reven2.RevenServer(host, port)
        except RuntimeError:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Could not connect to the server on {host}:{port}.")

        export_bookmarks(server, order, context, header, format, escape_description, suppress_warnings, output_file)