
Reven 2.10.2 contains some improvements and bugfixes. Upgrade from Reven 2.10.1 and 2.10.0 is recommended.

  • If upgrading from 2.9.0 or earlier, it is mandatory to read the release notes for version 2.10.0.
  • If upgrading from 2.10.0 or earlier, it is recommended to read the release notes for version 2.10.1.
  • If upgrading from 2.8.1 or earlier, it is recommended to read the release notes for version 2.9.0.


Project Manager

  • The Prepare Task now fails with an informative error if the detected OS or architecture are different from the values configured in the VM property screen. Wrong configured values do create issues when generating or using the Kernel Description.

Python API

  • The OssiContext.thread method allows to retrieve the currently running thread at a given context.

Fixed issues


  • The Taint view no longer slows Axion down when a taint result contains many changes. As a result of this improvement, the view has changed, please refer to its documentation for information on the new view.
  • The Calltree view would sometimes display "Waiting..." until the user interacts with the view (e.g. hovering or clicking a line) instead of refreshing the binary or symbol name as soon as it become available.
  • When the Fast Search feature is not available (because its resources have not been replayed), the default Search view is no longer inconsistent and no longer displays an "Error: Binary field cannot be empty" message.