module documentation

Module that provide util functions

Class LruCache Undocumented
Class Peekable Undocumented
Function collate A helper function to iterate over multiple iterables yielding the same type of elements in a sorted way.
Function parse_colon_separated_key_values Takes a string input that is "format_spec"-like and parses it to its constituent.
Variable _CollateType Undocumented
Variable _LruType Undocumented
Variable _PeekableType Undocumented
def collate(iterables, key=(lambda a: a), reverse=False):

A helper function to iterate over multiple iterables yielding the same type of elements in a sorted way.


This is very useful to iterate over search results from multiple search queries. For example, iterating over all contexts where the associated symbol name contains 'acpi'.

>>> acpi_iterables = [ for symbol in reven_server.ossi.symbols('acpi')]
>>> for ctx in collate(acpi_iterables):
...     print('#{}: {}'.format(ctx.transition_after().id, ctx.ossi.location().symbol))
#1471900994: HalAcpiGetTableDispatch
#1471900999: HalpAcpiGetTable
#1471901083: HalpAcpiGetTableWork
#1471901099: HalpAcpiGetCachedTable
#1471901168: HalpAcpiGetTableFromBios
#1471903841: HalAcpiGetTableDispatch
#1471903846: HalpAcpiGetTable
#1471903930: HalpAcpiGetTableWork
#1471903946: HalpAcpiGetCachedTable
#1471903989: HalpAcpiIsCachedTableCompromised

Alternatively, using a kind of tag on iterable elements.

>>> from itertools import repeat
>>> acpi_iterables = [zip(, repeat(                           for symbol in reven_server.ossi.symbols('acpi')]
>>> for ctx, symbol in collate(acpi_iterables, key=lambda ctx_symbol: ctx_symbol[0]):
...     print('#{}: {}'.format(ctx.transition_after().id, symbol))
#1471900994: HalAcpiGetTableDispatch
#1471900999: HalpAcpiGetTable
#1471901083: HalpAcpiGetTableWork
#1471901099: HalpAcpiGetCachedTable
#1471901168: HalpAcpiGetTableFromBios
#1471903841: HalAcpiGetTableDispatch
#1471903846: HalpAcpiGetTable
#1471903930: HalpAcpiGetTableWork
#1471903946: HalpAcpiGetCachedTable
#1471903989: HalpAcpiIsCachedTableCompromised


iterables:_Iterable[_Iterable[_CollateType]]A list of iterable yielding the same type of elements.
key:_Callable[[_CollateType], _Any]A lambda function that defines the key used to sort iterable elements.
reverse:boolWhether increasing or decreasing order.
_Iterator[_CollateType]A generator of sorted iterable elements.
def parse_colon_separated_key_values(values):

Takes a string input that is "format_spec"-like and parses it to its constituent.

The currently expected format is the following:

  • The string is colon (":") separated at the top level.
  • Each substring is itself composed of a key (an identifier) and a value, separated by the equal sign ("=").
  • The key and value can be composed of any character except a colon or an equal sign.


>>> parse_colon_separated_key_values("toto=titi")
{'toto': 'titi'}
>>> parse_colon_separated_key_values("((x{~22=[{'{[##")
{'((x{~22': "[{'{[##"}
>>> parse_colon_separated_key_values("max_depth=1:current_depth=0")
{'max_depth': '1', 'current_depth': '0'}
_Dict[str, str]Undocumented
_CollateType =


_LruType =


_PeekableType =
