class documentation

class FieldInstance(_Generic[_ValueType]):

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A field instance, the result of reading a field from a StructInstance.

You can obtain the value of the field by calling the method. The returned value will be of the natural type produced by the type of the field.

>>> value = struct_instance.field("Length").read()
>>> value

If you are using a type checker such as mypy or an IDE, you may want to annotate the produced type:

>>> value : int = struct_instance.field("Length").read()

However, the annotation will silently be wrong should you mistake the value produced by the field.

FieldInstance also provides the FieldInstance.assert_int, FieldInstance.assert_float, etc. methods to check the produced type at runtime, raising if there is a mistake, and allowing to drop the type annotation on the left side:

>>> value = struct_instance.field("Length").assert_int().read()

The FieldInstance.read_int, FieldInstance.read_float, etc. methods are a shortcut equivalent to calling assert followed by read.

>>> value = struct_instance.field("Length").read_int()

You can also always get the value of the field as bytes with the FieldInstance.read_bytes method.

When the field is of pointer type, the FieldInstance.deref family of functions allows to produce the pointed value without explicitly going through the intermediate PointerInstance.

Lastly, get the information about the field in its structure (name, type, offset) with the property, or link back to the StructInstance of origin with FieldInstance.parent_instance.

Method __eq__ Compares the instance for equality with an object.
Method __format__ Formats the value according to the specified options.
Method __hash__ Returns the hash for this value.
Method __init__ Initializes a new field instance from the struct instance of origin and the selected field.
Method __ne__ Compares the instance for equality with an object.
Method __str__ Returns the nicely printable string representation of this instance.
Method assert_array Asserts to the type system that this field produces an array value.
Method assert_bool Asserts to the type system that this field produces a boolean value.
Method assert_enum Asserts to the type system that this field produces a EnumerationInstance value.
Method assert_float Asserts to the type system that this field produces a float value.
Method assert_int Asserts to the type system that this field produces an integer value.
Method assert_ptr Asserts to the type system that this field produces a pointer value.
Method assert_struct Asserts to the type system that this field produces a StructInstance value.
Method deref If this field produces a pointer, dereferences the field and get the value pointed to by the pointer.
Method deref_array Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to an array value.
Method deref_bool Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to a boolean value.
Method deref_bytes If this field produces a pointer, dereferences the field to get the value pointed to by the pointer, interpreted as bytes.
Method deref_enum Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to an enum value.
Method deref_float Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to a float value.
Method deref_int Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to an integer value.
Method deref_ptr Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to a pointer value.
Method deref_str If this field produces a pointer, dereferences the field to get the value pointed to by the pointed, interpreted as a null-terminated string.
Method deref_struct Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to a struct value.
Method format Undocumented
Method read Read the value of the field.
Method read_array Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces an array value.
Method read_bool Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a boolean value.
Method read_bytes Read the value of this field as bytes.
Method read_enum Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces an enum value.
Method read_float Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a float value.
Method read_int Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces an integer value.
Method read_ptr Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer value.
Method read_struct Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a struct value.
Class Variable SubArrayValueType Undocumented
Class Variable SubPointerValueType Undocumented
Property info The information (offset, name) about the field associated with this instance.
Property parent_instance The struct instance that this instance originates from.
Instance Variable _field Undocumented
Instance Variable _struct Undocumented
def __eq__(self, o):

Compares the instance for equality with an object.

  • if the object is of type bytes, it will be considered equal to this instance if it is equal to the underlying bytes that this instance is made of.
  • two FieldInstances are considered equal if they have the same underlying Struct, Field and bytes.
  • if the object is neither bytes nor FieldInstance, then it will never be considered equal.


  • The context where this struct was spawned at is never taken into consideration for the purpose of equality. This means that two FieldInstances at different contexts with the same type and bytes will be considered equal.
  • Similarly, the source from which the instance was read is never taken into consideration for the purpose of equality. This means that two FieldInstances coming from different addresses in memory or different registers can compare equal if they have the same type and bytes.
def __format__(self, format_spec):

Formats the value according to the specified options.

The options are expected to be in the format described by reven2.util.parse_colon_separated_key_values.

The options will be passed as argument to format.

See StructInstance.__format__ for examples.

def __hash__(self):

Returns the hash for this value.

def __init__(self, struct_instance, field):

Initializes a new field instance from the struct instance of origin and the selected field.


At the moment, this object is not meant to be constructed directly. Use StructInstance.field instead.

def __ne__(self, o):

Compares the instance for equality with an object.

  • if the object is of type bytes, it will be considered equal to this instance if it is equal to the underlying bytes that this instance is made of.
  • two FieldInstances are considered equal if they have the same underlying Struct, Field and bytes.
  • if the object is neither bytes nor FieldInstance, then it will never be considered equal.


  • The context where this struct was spawned at is never taken into consideration for the purpose of equality. This means that two FieldInstances at different contexts with the same type and bytes will be considered equal.
  • Similarly, the source from which the instance was read is never taken into consideration for the purpose of equality. This means that two FieldInstances coming from different addresses in memory or different registers can compare equal if they have the same type and bytes.
def __str__(self):

Returns the nicely printable string representation of this instance.

def assert_array(self):

Asserts to the type system that this field produces an array value.


FieldInstance[ArrayInstance]this field instance, with the additional typing information that its produced value is an array.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce an array value.
def assert_bool(self):

Asserts to the type system that this field produces a boolean value.


FieldInstance[bool]this field instance, with the additional typing information that its produced value is a bool.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a boolean value.
def assert_enum(self):

Asserts to the type system that this field produces a EnumerationInstance value.


FieldInstance[EnumerationInstance]this field instance, with the additional typing information that its produced value is an enumeration.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce an enumeration value.
def assert_float(self):

Asserts to the type system that this field produces a float value.


FieldInstance[float]this field instance, with the additional typing information that its produced value is a float.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a float value.
def assert_int(self):

Asserts to the type system that this field produces an integer value.


FieldInstance[int]this field instance, with the additional typing information that its produced value is an int.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce an integer value.
def assert_ptr(self):

Asserts to the type system that this field produces a pointer value.


FieldInstance[PointerInstance]this field instance, with the additional typing information that its produced value is a pointer.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a pointer value.
def assert_struct(self):

Asserts to the type system that this field produces a StructInstance value.


FieldInstance[StructInstance]this field instance, with the additional typing information that its produced value is a struct.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a struct value.
def deref(self):

If this field produces a pointer, dereferences the field and get the value pointed to by the pointer.


SubPointerValueTypethe value pointed to by this field, of the type that is produced by the type pointed to by the pointer.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a pointer value.
def deref_array(self):

Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to an array value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_ptr().read().assert_array().deref().


ArrayInstancethe same value as returned by FieldInstance.deref, with the additional typing information that the value is an ArrayInstance.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a pointer, or does not produce a pointer to an array value.
def deref_bool(self):

Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to a boolean value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_ptr().read().assert_bool().deref().


boolthe same value as returned by FieldInstance.deref, with the additional typing information that the value is a bool.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a pointer, or does not produce a pointer to a boolean value.
def deref_bytes(self):

If this field produces a pointer, dereferences the field to get the value pointed to by the pointer, interpreted as bytes.


bytesthe value pointed to by this field, as bytes.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a pointer value.
def deref_enum(self):

Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to an enum value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_ptr().read().assert_enum().deref().


EnumerationInstancethe same value as returned by FieldInstance.deref, with the additional typing information that the value is an EnumerationInstance.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a pointer, or does not produce a pointer to an enum value.
def deref_float(self):

Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to a float value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_ptr().read().assert_float().deref().


floatthe same value as returned by FieldInstance.deref, with the additional typing information that the value is a float.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a pointer, or does not produce a pointer to a float value.
def deref_int(self):

Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to an integer value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_ptr().read().assert_int().deref().


intthe same value as returned by FieldInstance.deref, with the additional typing information that the value is an int.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a pointer, or does not produce a pointer to an integer value.
def deref_ptr(self):

Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to a pointer value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_ptr().read().assert_ptr().deref().


PointerInstancethe same value as returned by FieldInstance.deref, with the additional typing information that the value is a PointerInstance.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a pointer, or does not produce a pointer to a pointer value.
def deref_str(self, cstring):

If this field produces a pointer, dereferences the field to get the value pointed to by the pointed, interpreted as a null-terminated string.


cstring:_CStringallows to specify the encoding and maximum size of the string to read.
strthe value pointed to by this field, as a string.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a pointer value.
EncodingErrorif the bytes pointed to by the field contain errors wrt to the specified encoding.
def deref_struct(self):

Dereferences the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer to a struct value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_ptr().read().assert_struct().deref().


StructInstancethe same value as returned by FieldInstance.deref, with the additional typing information that the value is a StructInstance.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a pointer, or does not produce a pointer to a struct value.
def format(self, max_depth=1, current_depth=1):


def read(self):

Read the value of the field.


Unlike what happens in, reading a pointer will return a PointerInstance rather than an address.


_ValueTypethe value of this field, of the type that is produced by the type of this field.
def read_array(self):

Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces an array value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_array().read().


ArrayInstancethe same value as returned by, with the additional typing information that the value is an ArrayInstance.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce an array value.
def read_bool(self):

Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a boolean value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_bool().read().


boolthe same value as returned by, with the additional typing information that the value is a bool.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a boolean value.
def read_bytes(self):

Read the value of this field as bytes.


bytesa buffer of bytes of size equal to the size of the type of this field.
def read_enum(self):

Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces an enum value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_enum().read().


EnumerationInstancethe same value as returned by, with the additional typing information that the value is a EnumerationInstance.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce an enum value.
def read_float(self):

Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a float value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_float().read().


floatthe same value as returned by, with the additional typing information that the value is a float.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a float value.
def read_int(self):

Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces an integer value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_int().read().


intthe same value as returned by, with the additional typing information that the value is a int.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce an integer value.
def read_ptr(self):

Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a pointer value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_ptr().read().


PointerInstancethe same value as returned by, with the additional typing information that the value is a PointerInstance.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a pointer value.
def read_struct(self):

Reads the value of this field after asserting to the type system that this field produces a struct value.

Calling this method is equivalent to self.assert_struct().read().


StructInstancethe same value as returned by, with the additional typing information that the value is a StructInstance.
ValueErrorif, according to its runtime type, this field does not produce a struct value.
SubArrayValueType =


SubPointerValueType =


info: RegularField =

The information (offset, name) about the field associated with this instance.

parent_instance: StructInstance =

The struct instance that this instance originates from.

_field =


_struct =
